
August 16 - Texas, Oklahoma, & Arkansas

This morning we broke camp and headed to The Cadillac Ranch. Josh wasn't too impressed, but the rest of us found it very cool. It's located just off of the interstate, west of Amarillo. You let yourself into a giant farm field through a cattle gate and walk about 100 yards down a packed dirt path to get there. As we made the walk there and back, Easton kept commenting that he "really liked this beach". I guess the dry dirt and wind reminded him of a beach?? While I snapped some photos, Easton & Caden occupied themselves by climbing through the cars and shook the spent spray paint cans that litter the site like maracas. (With some forethought, I would have brought spray paint along so we could have left our mark.)

Then we visited to the American Quarter Horse Hall of Fame & Museum which is located next to the AQHA Headquarters in downtown Amarillo. It was Tuesday and would have been the perfect day to see the weekly cattle auction in Amarillo's famous stockyards, but the boys weren't enthused with the idea. So, we got back into the RV and kept on rolling.

Only Time Josh Will Ever Ride in English Saddle

We crossed the Oklahoma line and stopped at The Route 66 Museum just west of Oklahoma City. The kids loved going through the exhibits. Each room had music playing from the eras of the Route. The kids danced like fools to Elvis and The Beatles. (Caden is quite the music connoisseur. His favorites include The Rolling Stones; The Beatles; Michael Jackson; and his all-time favorite, Johnny Cash.)

As we entered Oklahoma City, Route 66 heads north and we parted ways with the old road. We drove through Oklahoma and into Arkansas. We made a quick stop for Pizza and it was back in the RV to get to Little Rock. The kids have done remarkably well being cooped up in the RV. They get into squabbles and occasionally need to be separated for some alone time - but who doesn't? ;)

On another note ---
While looking at the map to plan our route, I came to realize that Arkansas may take home the prize for odd names of towns!

The College Group: Yale & Princeton

The Horse Group: Colt & Saddle

The International (semi-biblical) Group: Egypt, Jerusalem, Damascus, Gethsemane, Holland, England, Palestine, Congo, Canaan, Havana, & Moscow

The Snow Group (Surprisingly large for a state with no snow): Snowball & Snow Lake

The Men's Names Group: Bruno, Ralph, & Ben Lamond (whoever he is)

The Women's Names Group: Amy, Stacey, Rosie, Harriet, & Allison

Nimrod (Who wouldn't want to live there?)
Ben Hur (Seriously.)
Possum Grape
Marked Tree
Wiener (Not even kidding.)
Blue Ball (Can't make this up, folks.)
Smackover (Sounds Mighty Friendly)
Welcome (Strangely, Located Near Smackville)
Waldo (Numerous 'Where's Waldo' Possibilities)

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